
Visit to the CRAC

Publié le vendredi 22 avril 2022 10:11 - Mis à jour le vendredi 22 avril 2022 10:20
affiche médiation 1ere eds hida 2022 crac bondi 2.jpg
Des élèves 1G1 & 1G5 en anglais de spécialité 'anglais monde contemporain'.

 1ère : Anglais de Spécialité : English in the Modern World 2021 -   2022

 Theme 1 : Learning, Creating, Innovating

 Line of Study : The Promises and Challenges of Science and Technology



  Des élèves 1G1 & 1G5 en anglais de spécialité 'anglais monde contemporain'.

  Visit to the CRAC


We visited the C.R.A.C. (Centre Régional d’Art Contemporain) in Sète on Wednesday 13th of April to see exhibitions by artists Bianca Bondi and Alexandra Bircken.

Bianca Bondi’s exhibition entitled « Objects as actants » was about pollution in the oceans and the environment whereas Alexandra Bircken’s, entitled « A-Z », was about the protection and extension of the human body and its relation with the world.

- Bircken’s exhibition was valuable and original. It was profoundly authentic for the personal point of view of the artist and for the innovation that she has brought.

We can talk about the opposition of genders, of the internal and external and of the drawings of joy in the hospital. To some extent she shows us that everything around us is likely to become a work of art. The motorbike is an extension of the human body. It was cut in a half to show its anatomy which resembles the inside of our body. Also natural materials such as her placenta.

We were very often troubled because some pieces of art were very weird. It can be explained by the fact that the artist wants to shock the public, to make them understand and react.

- Bondi uses salt on her works of art to give them life. She shows us that she has a great mastery of the materials she uses, which are mainly of organic origins. She uses crystallized salt to preserve the objects such as plants. But paradoxically, the salt with the copper evolve over time. During this exhibition we have learned a lot: why a fishing net is sometimes a little red, or any chemical phenomena between salt and copper which are present throughout her exhibition. Her art is mostly connected with where she is working and this includes the exhibition we went to see as she used materials collected from the Sète canal, for example a mirror decorated with seaweed and shells. It’s meticulous work enclosed in transparent boxes like precious objects.

The theme we are studying in class this year is « Learning , Creating, Innovating ». We think it is linked because artists, in particular Bianca Bondi and Alexandra Bircken, are creating new works of art with natural materials and everyday objects. We also think an exhibition is the best way to learn, to see creations, and therefore to innovate our ideas on the subjects presented. So it is not only the artists who are creating and innovating, but also the public including ourselves. We are more aware of problems around us and more likely to find a solution. Art is louder than words and we need artists to help the world evolve.

Antonin, Noa, Lilou, Charlotte, Anaïs, Loen, Elahne, Clément, Ibrahim, Marylou, Léonnie, Lara, Jules, Célia.


  • anglais
  • 1ère
  • AMC
  • 2021-2022
  • enseignement de spécialité
  • sortie pédagogique